Thursday, February 03, 2005

Stream Dipping

Stream Dipping
Originally uploaded by ujs.
Stream dipping was one of many activities that engaged children in Years 5 and 6 on their visit to Sutton Poyntz Water Museum. This geography and science field trip was part of this term's project on water.

Tsunami Cake Sale

Tsunami Cake Sale
Originally uploaded by ujs.
A Cake Sale organised by two Year 6 pupils raised £79 for the Asian Tsunami appeal.
Queues for the cakes, which were supplied by the children and their families and friends, stretched the length of the school corridor.


Originally uploaded by ujs.
This colourful display of skateboard designs was done as part of a 'Family Learning' day at Weymouth College in collaboration with 'The Front Skatepark'.
Half a dozen of our pupils and their parents took part in the workshops. They learnt how to customise their decks and improved their own skateboarding with demonstrations and coaching.